Memcached in Shared Hosting
You can make use of the Memcached content caching system with all shared hosting offered by us. It’s available as an optional upgrade, which you can order with only a couple of clicks of the mouse from your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. It needs a PHP extension, which is pre-installed on our cloud web hosting platform, so you can start using Memcached the moment you order it. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts, which will give you more flexibility depending on the Internet sites that you’d like to use it for. The first one specifies the number of the Internet sites that will use the Memcached caching system, or the ‘instances’, whereas the second one refers to the memory, i.e. to how much content Memcached will be able to cache. You can add more memory in increments of 16 MB and the more memory you’ve got, the more content will be cached, which may be a very good idea for regularly visited websites with large-size databases and a lot of visitors. Thus, you can supercharge the speed of every script-powered Internet site hosted on our servers effortlessly.